
Kettering Christian Centre (KCC) is located within a walking distance from the town centre. lt is a church of several people of all ages from a variety of nations. Our passion is for the lost & also to love & serve the Lord. Since God is love and He loves His people; we also love people and we are so grateful that you logged on to our site today. Kettering is a wonderful town with great historical heritage. I believe with all my heart that Kettering has got an exciting future in God's economy. We are already impacting this great town with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. If you want to hear from God, to be refreshed, to fellowship with friendly people & to be challenged in your christian walk then KCC is the right place for you.

You are welcome to visit us on Sundays where we  meet @ 2a Pollard Street, Kettering, NN16 9RW for our 10.30am - 12.30pm Church service. We always come with anticipation and expectation that God will meet with us in a dynamic way in our services. We also have a fantastic children’s ministry for those with young ones.After our morning praise & worship (half way through the service) on every alternate Sunday, the children leave the main auditorium downstairs  to go to their respective rooms for their Sunday ministry time.

Free refreshments (cold & hot beverages) are served after the service for all our members & guests by our hospitality team.

If you are considering making KCC your home church please join our pastor & his wife at our next new believers' fellowship. 

If you would like to get in touch with us for more info about KCC, please do not hesitate to ring us on our Church telephone number: 01536417182 & if no one is available to pick your call just leave a message or alternatively just drop us an email  with your details and we will get back to you asap. The Church email address is: kccentre@btconnect.com. 

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our services soon.


At Kettering Christian Centre, we are committed to being more than simply a large group of people who gather together on a Sunday. During the week we meet at the Church building or online to study the Word. That's where our spiritual side of life is challenged and developed by biblical teaching & also interaction in a small groups. One-to-one or small group sessions provide the perfect smaller setting to meet with friends, a place of support and encouragement and a place to know and be known and most importantly provide the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Essentially they are a place where we can belong, receive pastoral care, grow in our faith and have fun at the same time. If you want to attend the Church building group, please feel free to cntact the church on 01536417182 so that this can be arranged. If you want us to come to your house that can be arranged by emailing the church on kccentre@btconnect.com or just ring the church number. If we don't pick up just leave your details on the answering machine and we will get back to you.



We also meet  in the week for a great time of prayer in our homes during day times/evenings. As the word of God says: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk,  and not faint (Isaiah 40:31 KJV).This is a great time for those who love to be refreshed & renewed spiritually more so as one starts a new week. Just get in touch with our pastor and organise with him a time that suits your school/working pattern. You are welcome to our Friday prayer meeting for just a couple of hours. The times are every Friday @ 6:30 pm - 8 pm. Please check with the church's calendar whether we are meeting the week you may want to attend. 

Daily Message

[Spiritual Fullness in Christ] So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” -Colossians 2:6-7



If you’ve decided that Kettering Christian Centre is the right church for you then the best way to feel at home is to get involved. Being part of the KCC family simply means becoming involved with us. We believe are a church where anyone can come, feel welcomed and accepted as part of the family. 

In order for you to feel that you belong, we would kindly ask you to:

  • Firstlyattend Church services regularly (Hebrews 10:25)
  • Secondly, you can join a small group – we call them Home Groups, we meet daily in our homes to study the Word of God.
  • Thirdly, find somewhere to serve at KCC
  • Fourthly, be a giver especially your tithe & offering
  • Finally, if you are moving from another church to join KCC, it is very important to us that you go to your leader there and ask them to release you with their blessing

KCC's History

Kettering Christian Centre (KCC) was originally planted by the late David Campbell in the 1980's. He had a passionate zeal for the lost and with great vision acquired Timms, the one-time electrical warehouse in Pollard Street, opening in 1993.

After his diagnosis of a brain tumour in 1999, Brian & Heather Hannant (now leading Gateway Community Church in the south of the town) moved from Devon to look after the work for a short while.

Not long after Pastor David was promoted to glory. The leading of KCC church was handed over to a local man, by the name of Matthew Buckingham, who had been an assistant Pastor in Wellingborough Christian centre. Matt and his wife Julie set up many admirable projects in the town among young people, homeless and drug users. They moved on in 2007 and Sam Munangatire took over as the Church Pastor.

KCC has gone through a lot of spiritual challenges over the years but we are thankful to the Lord for His strength & comfort through it all.   It is the nature of God's work that at times you are up the mountain and at other times down the valley. KCC is very much anchored on prayer and the Word of God. We are seeing spiritual growth and a marked change in our members' lives. 

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 23rd October
6:00pm - 7:00pm -
Friday 25th October
6:30pm - 8:00pm -
Sunday 27th October
10:30am - 12:30pm -

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Kettering Christian Centre, 2A Pollard Street, Kettering, Northants, NN16 9RW 

Call us on 01536417182 

Registered Charity No 1054423

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